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Earth Repair Foundation


The Earth Repair Foundaton (ERF) is an independent, privately funded, voluntary, non-government organisation which was incorporated in Sydney Australia in May 1987. It comprises a team of imagineering futurists who communicate and cooperate to advance the earth repair solution strategy contained in these pages. We hope that you find the ideas presented herein to be informative, inspirational and motivational. During the past twenty years, ERF has co-ordinated production of a world-vision one-page document called the Earth Repair Charter Global Solution Strategy. The Charter offers self-evident achievable solutions to help bring about a sustainable future for all. ERF has closely liaised with the Environment Program of the United Nations Association of Australia (NSW) Inc in developing this informative document.


Erich von Däniken - Official Website


What I want - and why? This is what happened: Extraterrestrials visited our Earth many millennia ago. They behaved similar to how current ethnologists behave today. They studied a few languages, visited different tribes, gave suggestions and disappeared sometime - however, with the promise to return in the distant future. Our Stone Age ancestors could not grasp what happened back then. They wrongfully believed that the extraterrestrials were gods. The supposed then wandered into our mythology and became the founders of many religions. I have been executing research for 65 years in order to substantiate these ideas. My work is now present in 40 volumes. Many films and TV series were first made possible through my body of thought. I am not an esoteric, I do not rely on statements from fellow humans who claim to have real or supposed contact to UFO crews today. Whatever I say must have sense in itself - it must be conclusive. That is why in particular my new books are rich with illustrations. And of course they contain sources that can be verified.


Festival of Spirituality


By combining the forces of the Edinburgh Inter-Faith Association, the Edinburgh International Centre for World Spiritualities and Creative Space (a project of the local churches seeking to promote public discourse), the Festival of Spirituality and Peace (FoSP) was born in 2005. FoSP is committed to the principles of creativity, inclusivity and dialogue and to modelling the dynamics of peacemaking: to sponsor the kind of conversations and encounters which need to happen in the wider world if there is to be peace and respect for all – and to garner wisdom wherever it is to be found. Therefore our programme will create opportunities for engagement for those who seek constructively to address the issues of our time, to promote dialogue and to build community in diversity


Geoforschung - SPIEGEL ONLINE - Nachrichten


Informationen zum Thema Geoforschung


GeoLogica - Willkommen


GeoLogica e.V. ist ein Zusammenschluss von engagierten Geowissenschaftlern, die sich in den Kopf gesetzt haben, das Fach Geologie/Paläontologie hierzulande bekannter zu machen. Die Idee wird von der gemeinsamen Überzeugung getragen, dass das Wissen um die Funktionsweise der Erde für Jedermann ebenso wichtig wie interessant ist. Wir meinen, Geologie sollte ebenso zur Allgemeinbildung gehören wie Wirtschaft, Kunst, Medizin usw. Um einer häufigen Frage gleich hier zu begegnen: Die Grundprinzipien der Geologie sind einfach und sehr logisch. Alle können ein Grundverständnis der Erde erwerben, auch ohne Geologe zu sein. Es ist eine Wissenschaft zum Anfassen.


Globalise Resistance - Home


Globalise Resistance brings together groups and individuals opposed to the global growth of corporate power.


Green Left - Radical weekly newspaper from Australia


In these days of growing media concentration, Green Left Weekly is a proudly independent voice committed to human and civil rights, global peace and environmental sustainability, democracy and equality.


Greenpeace International


Greenpeace exists because this fragile earth deserves a voice. It needs solutions. It needs change. It needs action.


greenpeace-berlin Homepage


Environmental infos from Berlin (incl. Interview with Michael Franti from 2006-11-29@Kalkscheune/Berlin)


HalloweenCostumes - Constellations Mythology


Humanity has always looked up and found stories in the sky, connecting the dots of light to make pictures with a bit of imagination. Religion, tradition, superstition, and even practical calendar-making and navigation techniques influenced how those pictures took shape, starting many thousands of years ago with cuneiform texts written in western Asia. Although both ancient and modern influences shape how we stargaze, the shapes and stories we see in the sky come primarily from Greek and Roman traditions.


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Total item(s): 366

Politics & Science
Selected item(s): 21 - 30 of 83 item(s)



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