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Butterfly Gardeners Association


The Butterfly Network is a group of individuals and organizations trying to build a worldwide network for global change. They intend to do this by developing and promoting events and programs that will inspire citizens on a worldwide basis. This coalition of organizations is in the process of coming together & getting a structure in place.


CCCO - Central Committee for Conscientious Objectors


Helping military personnel and civilians since 1948. The Central Committee for Conscientious Objectors (CCCO) supports conscientious objectors and promotes individual and collective resistance to war and preparations for war. We seek to provide full and accurate information about military life and war to individuals affected by military service, conscription, and recruitment. Since our founding in 1948, CCCO's counselor network has helped tens of thousands of people serving in the military or facing conscription. Most of CCCO's income is from individual contributions; all donations are fully tax-deductible.


CIVIC The Campaign for Innocent Victims in Conflict


CIVIC is a Washington-based organization founded by the late Marla Ruzicka, a passionate humanitarian killed by a suicide bomb in Baghdad while advocating for war victims in Iraq. CIVIC believes that civilians injured and the families of those killed should be recognized and aided by the governments involved, and is working toward smart, compassionate policies for civilians caught in the crossfire of conflict.


ClimatePrediction.Net gateway


Climateprediction.net is the largest experiment to try and produce a forecast of the climate in the 21st century. To do this, we need people around the world to give us time on their computers - time when they have their computers switched on, but are not using them to their full capacity.


CloudoverMusic - The Ultimate Guide to Hearing Loss Prevention


Your sense of hearing connects you to the people you love. When your hearing is intact, you can hear their questions, their concerns, and their words of love for you. An acute sense of hearing can also protect you from danger. Falling trees, cries of warning, and motors accelerating in your direction will all be heard. Despite the importance of our sense of hearing, both in our personal and professional lives, it is one of the senses that most of us take for granted. We punish our ears with loud noises at work and at home, and that ongoing noise pollution can lead to hearing losses that are hard to correct. This guide can help. We have collected information on how hearing works, how hearing loss happens within specific types of jobs, and what you can do to protect your hearing at home and at work.


Conspiracy Theorist Clothing co. - The Original


Conspiracy Theorist Clothing Co. is dedicated to promoting the open discussion of taboo topics while destroying the stigma and misperceptions surrounding the term conspiracy theory. Conspiracy Theorist Clothing is designed to spread awareness and affect change through culture.


Context - Online Astronomy Education


When you study the planets, stars, sun, moon, galaxies, and other bodies that exist in the universe, you are studying astronomy. Space has fascinated people for thousands of years, but it’s only been possible to study space in depth in the most recent decades thanks to modern technology. While you will study astronomy in school, it’s also possible to get an education in this science in other ways. You can learn a lot about what’s out in space online, and you can also study the stars by going outside at night to look at the sky.


CreditCards - Guide to LGBT finances: You can live a richer life


Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Americans have made extraordinary strides toward equality in recent years, yet obstacles remain – including disparities in personal finance. Here is a guide by CreditCards


Democracy Now! radio and TV news


Democracy Now! is a national, daily, independent, award-winning news program airing on over 450 stations in North America. The program is hosted by award-winning journalists Amy Goodman and Juan Gonzalez and produced out of a community media center in New York City’s Chinatown


Dr. Ulrike Walter Translation - Welcome!


Language services in medicine and life science


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Total item(s): 366

Politics & Science
Selected item(s): 11 - 20 of 83 item(s)



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