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Synthesis Because you can read


Chico, CA, is a place associated with almonds and keggers; rice paddies and couch fires. It’s in this Northern California town where conflict rages between agriculture and drunken college debauchery that Synthesis.net was born. Beginning in 1994 as a weekly entertainment tabloid, covering events in and around the Chico area, Synthesis spread its reach to the World Wide Web in 1995. Feasting on any and all forms of popular media—from music to video games to films and everything in between—Synthesis.net grew as the Net grew and eventually became the snarling, sexy beast you see here today. Now incorporating video and audio in addition to written articles, an archive of content spanning back over a decade and an obsessively updated blog, Synthesis.net has expanded its arsenal to better decipher the ever-changing world of pop culture.


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